
hi, kite meet again after last week my midtest, oky i want to tell about this day say in kitchen. before entering the kitchen as usual we are oneline, diabsen, and examination grooming, today menu oriental chinese food:
  1. chinese spinach and peanut salad (appetizer)
2. traditional egg droup soup (soup)
3. Beff rice bowl (main corse)
4. Tang yuang and tang zhong (dessert)

and then chef dino explains about mini burgers for tomorrow.
after we finish doing:

because today's doing is my group helping my friend to make tang zhong

before oneline there is a little info from chef dino so tomorrow we try the ingredients one by one tomorrow morning so tomorrow morning we all leave early kekampus, after we finish oneline for GC after GC we break and oneline to go home.
